Living Wage Places

Celebrating place-based approaches to expanding Living Wage accreditation 

From the Royal Docks in Newham to the Greater Manchester City-region, there are 17 recognised Living Wage Places across the UK. To gain recognition the local authority works with the Living Wage Foundation and Citizens UK to create a cross-sectoral local action group. Together they create and deliver a 3-year action plan aimed at making the real Living Wage the norm in their place.  

We work primarily at City, Borough and City-region scale. We also have two separate schemes: Living Wage Buildings and Living Wage Zones.   

Making Living Wage Places logo

Making LW City Example

Making a Living Wage City/Borough

Increased take-up of Living Wage accreditation by local employers helps cities and boroughs to tackle in-work poverty in their area, creating more inclusive local economies. Find out more about the cities and boroughs working to Make Living Wage Places.  

Making a Living Wage City Region example logo

Living Wage City-Region

We are working with mayors and local authorities in Greater Manchester and London to create Living Wage City Regions. Sectoral action groups including health and social care, and hospitality and the night-time economy develop campaigns to engage employers in Living Wage accreditation.  


Living Wage Building logo

Living Wage Building 

Living Wage Buildings are buildings with multiple business tenants, all of whom pay the real Living Wage to their employees and contractors.

Living Wage Zone logo

Living Wage Zone

We are working with councils, developers and construction companies to support them to embed the Living Wage into city centre regeneration, large scale developments, managed campuses and industrial parks. 

Where is there Living Wage Places activity?

Fill out our form to become recognised for making a Living Wage Place

Are you an accredited Living Wage employer?
Which scheme/s are you interested in exploring? (Tick all that apply)

Living Wage Cities

We have 11 Cities signed up to grow the Living Wage including: Salford, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Cardiff, Norwich, Sunderland, Aberdeen, Bristol, Manchester City and Dundee.

Making Salford a Living Wage City

The Living Wage Action Group behind making Salford a Living Wage City explain why the living wage is important. 

Making Living Wage City-Regions

Both London and Greater Manchester City-Region have the ambition to grow the Living Wage Employers in their city-regions, putting more money into local people's pockets and the local economy.

Making London a Living Wage City

'Making London a Living Wage City' is a campaign launched by the Living Wage Foundation with Citizens UK and Trust for London, to put £635m of wages back into the pockets of low-wage workers in London. Our vision is simple - we would like everyone in the capital to get the real Living Wage.

St Antonys shcool kids with living wage tshirts

Making Greater Manchester a Living Wage City-Region

Greater Manchester has set a goal of becoming the first city-region to pay all employees a real Living Wage.  

A Living Wage City-Region action group, led by the Mayor of Greater Manchester, has been established to drive forward plans to ensure all employers in the city-region pay the living wage by the end of the decade.

Greater Manchester people making the city a Living Wage CIty

How much could the Living Wage boost the local economy?

If 25% more workers were paid a real Living Wage, the economic benefit to the UK economy would be £1.7bn. You can also find out the regional economic benefit here.

UK Map populated with dots

Contact us

For more information please contact us for the Living Wage Foundation (England, Wales and NI) or for Scotland please